7 research outputs found

    Interactive Segmentation, Uncertainty and Learning

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    Interactive segmentation is an important paradigm in image processing. To minimize the number of user interactions (“seeds”) required until the result is correct, the computer should actively query the human for input at the most critical locations, in analogy to active learning. These locations are found by means of suitable uncertainty measures. I propose various such measures for the watershed cut algorithm along with a theoretical analysis of some of their properties in Chapter 2. Furthermore, real-world images often admit many different segmentations that have nearly the same quality according to the underlying energy function. The diversity of these solutions may be a powerful uncertainty indicator. In Chapter 3 the crucial prerequisite in the context of seeded segmentation with minimum spanning trees (i.e. edge-weighted watersheds) is provided. Specifically, it is shown how to efficiently enumerate the k smallest spanning trees that result in different segmentations. Furthermore, I propose a scheme that allows to partition an image into a previously unknown number of segments, using only minimal supervision in terms of a few must-link and cannot-link annotations. The algorithm presented in Chapter 4 makes no use of regional data terms, learning instead what constitutes a likely boundary between segments. Since boundaries are only implicitly specified through cannot-link constraints, this is a hard and nonconvex latent variable problem. This problem is adressed in a greedy fashion using a randomized decision tree on features associated with interpixel edges. I propose to use a structured purity criterion during tree construction and also show how a backtracking strategy can be used to prevent the greedy search from ending up in poor local optima. The problem of learning a boundary classifier from sparse user annotations is also considered in Chapter 5. Here the problem is mapped to a multiple instance learning task where positive bags consist of paths on a graph that cross a segmentation boundary and negative bags consist of paths inside a user scribble. Multiple instance learning is also the topic of Chapter 6. Here I propose a multiple instance learning algorithm based on randomized decision trees. Experiments on the typical benchmark data sets show that this model’s prediction performance is clearly better than earlier tree based methods, and is only slightly below that of more expensive methods. Finally, a flow graph based computation library is discussed in Chapter 7. The presented library is used as the backend in a interactive learning and segmentation toolkit and supports a rich set of notification mechanisms for the interaction with a graphical user interface

    Positive Difference Distribution for Image Outlier Detection using Normalizing Flows and Contrastive Data

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    Detecting test data deviating from training data is a central problem for safe and robust machine learning. Likelihoods learned by a generative model, e.g., a normalizing flow via standard log-likelihood training, perform poorly as an outlier score. We propose to use an unlabelled auxiliary dataset and a probabilistic outlier score for outlier detection. We use a self-supervised feature extractor trained on the auxiliary dataset and train a normalizing flow on the extracted features by maximizing the likelihood on in-distribution data and minimizing the likelihood on the contrastive dataset. We show that this is equivalent to learning the normalized positive difference between the in-distribution and the contrastive feature density. We conduct experiments on benchmark datasets and compare to the likelihood, the likelihood ratio and state-of-the-art anomaly detection methods

    Imitation learning by state-only distribution matching

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    Imitation Learning from observation describes policy learning in a similar way to human learning. An agent’s policy is trained by observing an expert performing a task. Although many state-only imitation learning approaches are based on adversarial imitation learning, one main drawback is that adversarial training is often unstable and lacks a reliable convergence estimator. If the true environment reward is unknown and cannot be used to select the best-performing model, this can result in bad real-world policy performance. We propose a non-adversarial learning-from-observations approach, together with an interpretable convergence and performance metric. Our training objective minimizes the Kulback-Leibler divergence (KLD) between the policy and expert state transition trajectories which can be optimized in a non-adversarial fashion. Such methods demonstrate improved robustness when learned density models guide the optimization. We further improve the sample efficiency by rewriting the KLD minimization as the Soft Actor Critic objective based on a modified reward using additional density models that estimate the environment’s forward and backward dynamics. Finally, we evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on well-known continuous control environments and show state-of-the-art performance while having a reliable performance estimator compared to several recent learning-from-observation methods

    Learning game-theoretic models of multiagent trajectories using implicit layers

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    For prediction of interacting agents' trajectories, we propose an end-to-end trainable architecture that hybridizes neural nets with game-theoretic reasoning, has interpretable intermediate representations, and transfers to downstream decision making. It uses a net that reveals preferences from the agents' past joint trajectory, and a differentiable implicit layer that maps these preferences to local Nash equilibria, forming the modes of the predicted future trajectory. Additionally, it learns an equilibrium refinement concept. For tractability, we introduce a new class of continuous potential games and an equilibrium-separating partition of the action space. We provide theoretical results for explicit gradients and soundness. In experiments, we evaluate our approach on two real-world data sets, where we predict highway driver merging trajectories, and on a simple decision-making transfer task.Comment: Accepted at AAAI-202

    Fail-Safe Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning

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    For flexible yet safe imitation learning (IL), we propose a modular approach that uses a generative imitator policy with a safety layer, has an overall explicit density/gradient, can therefore be end-to-end trained using generative adversarial IL (GAIL), and comes with theoretical worst-case safety/robustness guarantees. The safety layer's exact density comes from using a countable non-injective gluing of piecewise differentiable injections and the change-of-variables formula. The safe set (into which the safety layer maps) is inferred by sampling actions and their potential future fail-safe fallback continuations, together with Lipschitz continuity and convexity arguments. We also provide theoretical bounds showing the advantage of using the safety layer already during training (imitation error linear in the horizon) compared to only using it at test time (quadratic error). In an experiment on challenging real-world driver interaction data, we empirically demonstrate tractability, safety and imitation performance of our approach

    Haar Wavelet based Block Autoregressive Flows for Trajectories

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    Prediction of trajectories such as that of pedestrians is crucial to the performance of autonomous agents. While previous works have leveraged conditional generative models like GANs and VAEs for learning the likely future trajectories, accurately modeling the dependency structure of these multimodal distributions, particularly over long time horizons remains challenging. Normalizing flow based generative models can model complex distributions admitting exact inference. These include variants with split coupling invertible transformations that are easier to parallelize compared to their autoregressive counterparts. To this end, we introduce a novel Haar wavelet based block autoregressive model leveraging split couplings, conditioned on coarse trajectories obtained from Haar wavelet based transformations at different levels of granularity. This yields an exact inference method that models trajectories at different spatio-temporal resolutions in a hierarchical manner. We illustrate the advantages of our approach for generating diverse and accurate trajectories on two real-world datasets - Stanford Drone and Intersection Drone